Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week 1

The daily ritual this past week consists of working in the garden for 2-3 hours in the morning before the sun gets too warm overhead, then come in for a good lunch and a glass of wine. I'll go out for a walk. Or I'll drive and run several errands. Then I'll get some work done. These days that consists of looking at financials and getting some spreadsheets set up. While I'm doing that I'll run a load or two of laundry and hang them outside to dry (does anyone do that anymore?).

The garden slowly gets cleaned up. Weeds were cleared in two large beds and 6 planter pots, all were amended with compost that was turned, and drip irrigation was fixed.

Planting was done: 4 tomatoes, 12 marigolds, 4 coreopsis, and a madder clipping. Mexican oregano, lemon thyme, and a lavender plant orphaned for over a year. Seeds for bush beans, shiso, and alyssum were sown.
Very glad that the alpine strawberries from last year are thriving this spring - I had the pleasure of grazing on a few as I weeded and watched butterflies and ladybugs.

My back and legs are getting stronger.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Something good

It started with a very bad April Fool's. My reactions included disbelief, dismay, betrayal, and disbelief (did I already mention disbelief?). So what do I do but stay with what's real. Hunker down and get things done. No point in wondering about what happened - I find that others are doing that for me. Maybe it will hit me later.

For now, though, I finished these. The yarn, "Soft Green Seas," has a little history. The socks were started in late March and had a deadline.  They missed the deadline (just a few days late) because when I picked them up in-progress I just started knitting and totally screwed up the heels - I guess I was discombobulated at the time.

I gave them a bath and they dried in a warm afternoon. They are softer than lamb's ears and more rugged than iron.

I make good things.