Sunday, November 20, 2011

Little things

I'm working on little things.

I'm making small jars of jelly, small batches of jam, small swatches of knitted stitches with thin needles and thinner yarn, and a small foray into a hat. As I read the hat pattern I think of two or three ways to make it. But the problem is that I'm so busy thinking that I'm not doing. So I take the leap and "just do it", knowing that no outcome is ever going to be realized unless it is started. I take notes as I move along. I've been misled and seen failure too. Those things are put to the side or get torn and ripped apart.

And occasionally I'll take the "hair of the dog"(1) with a wild belief that I'll be inoculated.

(1) hairs of the dog that bit you applied to the wound will prevent evil consequences

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